Dave Sams touched the lives of countless people who came through Glenbeigh. As the Niles sober living house manager, he ran a tight ship. As a person in recovery, he knew the importance of kindness and compassion.
This meant understanding the ups and downs of early recovery. When anyone had a problem or just wanted to talk, Dave would sit and listen. He was a mentor and, to many, a friend.
Coming from a large family, he understood the important role loved ones play in the recovery process. He promoted family interaction and invited relatives and friends to dinners, picnics, banquets and special events. For many of the young men who were part of the Niles sober living community, Dave is the reason they remain in recovery. For many of the families, he is the reason their loved one embraced a life outside of active addiction.
Dave passed away June 10, 2020 from congestive heart failure. For those he left behind, we cherish great memories of his deep faith and commitment to others. Most of all, people remember his unforgettable laugh.
Since his passing, several individuals expressed a desire to establish a means for people to memorialize Dave. As a result, Glenbeigh is pleased to establish the David Sams Memorial Fund to honor his contributions and connection to the Niles recovery community.
Donations to this fund will be restricted for use at the Glenbeigh Niles sober living community. The funds will be used to promote recovery and family interaction; the spirit of family and fellowship that Dave embodied.
All gifts, in any amount, are greatly appreciated and will make a positive impact on the recovery journey of individuals and families. Donations may be made through the mail or online through PayPal using the link below. Please note that the donation is “In Memory of Dave Sams” on your check, paperwork or online.
Glenbeigh’s development team is available to answer questions or assist with your donation. Please call Sheila at 330-652-6770.
* Under special instructions please add "Dave Sams Fund".
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Glenbeigh is a 501-(c)-3 non-profit hospital that treats individuals with alcohol and drug addictions. Undesignated gifts will be directed to Glenbeigh's general Endowment Fund.